Dr Saeed Anwar Registered 1997 Rawalpindi MBBS
Male, Salaried GP
Dr Lindsey Harris Registered 1999 Birmingham MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP
Female, Salaried GP
Dr Folu Aiyaboloa
Male, Salaried GP
Dr Monkunfope Olajide
Female, Salaried GP
Training of Junior Doctors
Holmcroft Surgery has been a 'Training Practice' for junior doctors for some years now. These doctors are usually training to be GPs and will spend anywhere from 4 to 12 months at the surgery. They have usually worked for 2 to 3 years in a variety of hospital specialities before they join us.
As part of their training they are asked to video some of their consultations with patients for discussion with their Trainers (other doctors within the practice) and for their final examination. If your consultation is going to be videoed you will be warned beforehand. If you would prefer for the consultation not to be videoed please feel free to say so. No one will mind.
Nurse Practitioners
Melissa Hughes Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Donna Griffiths Nurse Practitioner
Urgent Care Practitioners
David Mitchell Urgent Care Practitioner
Rebecca Gregory PCN (Primary Care Network) Urgent Care Practioner
Nursing Team
Julie Percival RGN (Registered Nurse)
Lakshmi Healthcare Assistant
Emma Primary Care Network GP Assistant
Primary Care Network Mental Health Practitioner
Zoe Proctor
Practice Management
Mai Whitehouse Operations Manager
Patient Services Administrators
Michaela, Claire, Kristina, Courtney, Tia, Linda and Cheryl
Medical Secretaries
Joy, Rose and Linda